Though it's an alternate reality tale involving human cloning, Never Let Me Go is by no means a science fiction novel. Rather, it is a nuanced, beautifully written story of how those deemed less-than-human by fiat of government and fear on society's part grope for what all humans want - love, purpose - and in doing so manage to attain some measure of the dignity denied them by the actions of others.
In the first-person narrative of Kathy, a young British woman created and raised for the ultimate purpose of being a multiple organ donor to those considered fully human, we also see the reactions and internal conflicts of those who administer the clone/donation system but don't have the courage or clout to change things, a situation which should give pause to those who perpetuate injustices in our societies today, i.e. cops, judges, politicians, union leaders, bureaucrats, etc. But that's way too much to hope for, especially from a novel too well- written for most of that lot to comprehend, much less appreciate or learn from. 5 stars (out of 5).
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